Till now, we have been concerned with making inferences about population parameters using statistics obtained from sample data by calculating confidence intervals and conducting hypothesis tests. We have also used regression analysis to develop models to predict one variable (y) based on another (x), or a set of variables ( x 1 ,   x 2 ,   …   ,   x k ) https://s3-euw1-ap-pe-df-pch-content-public-p.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/9780429444951/26f74fd5-3d8c-4b1d-9db9-59689c32bcd1/content/C010_eqn_0001.tif"/> . In this chapter, we will be discussing ways to use sample data to make inferences for more than two population means. But before we begin a discussion about how to compare more than two population means, we first need to describe some basic concepts of designing an experiment.