Saboue’s territory has an area of approximately 37 km and shares borders with Betiassan to the west, Yelbouga to the northwest, Pissie to the north and Bieha to the east. The population of Saboue consider the people of Pissie to be their ‘brothers’ and will often celebrate feasts or bury their dead in Pissie. The landscape of Saboue is basically the same as the landscape of Boutiourou, as most villages in Sissili occupy the same position in the landscape. Transect of Saboue shows two sides to the landscape; one which has been largely untouched by human activity and retains high species diversity, and the other which has been significantly altered by humankind. The village of Saboue means ‘the bush that has been transformed’ and is said to be approximately 200 years old. The ethnic groups in Saboue have the least intra-ethnic contact of all the villages.