This introduction presents an overview of the key concepts discussed in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book presents a composite depiction of the distinctive transcendent-cum-historical community of devotees of Krsna in which Caitanya Vaisnavas understand themselves to be participants. It considers how the newly crystallized religious community managed to preserve and perpetuate its distinctive value orientation, in this case loving devotion to Krsna, while maintaining its survival as a community of devotees in the secular world. The book introduces the marginal but fascinating category of devotees of Krsna who claim to constitute a Hindu Vaisnava jati standing outside but not beneath the Brahmanical varna system. It discusses the general background of these relations and then examines the involvements of particular Caitanya Vaisnavas with Muslims in three different contexts. The book focuses on the ideology of Mughal sovereignty, which legitimated participation of Hindus and other non-Muslims in the imperial regime.