This chapter marks the entry of the concept of gender bias into official knowledge, and possibly judicial notice. Preconceptions built on assumptions are condemned, as otherwise ‘justice may be impaired’. But ‘preconceptions and predispositions cannot be eliminated. It contains specific suggestions for judicial education programmes, concept of gender bias requires elucidation. One significant aspect of the National Judicial Education Program in the United States is evidence collected on different perceptions of bias and impartiality by women and men. This again suggests that one issue at stake is problem of cognition. However, misogyny only covers one of many possibilities of bias. It is likely that the language of gender bias will re-pose many of questions associated with attempts to make certain forms of discrimination illegal. Linguistic analysis of texts such as letters from solicitors briefing barristers not only shows a narrative, but a narrative in particular form in which the choice of words influences point of view which is presented.