This chapter proposes a counternarrative that demonstrates how to move the margins to the center of teacher evaluation. It describes the development of the Salazar and Lerner Framework for Equitable and Excellent Teaching (FEET) based on the tenets of culturally responsive teacher evaluation (CRTE). The FEET is a sound exemplar of a teacher evaluation model that is culturally responsive, empirically based, and psychometrically sound. CRTE stresses the importance of reliability and validity in teacher evaluation. The chapter details the assessment of the FEET’s reliability and validity. The core competency survey (CCS) is an appropriate referent for establishing convergent validity because it is inclusive of culturally responsive practices such as developing a classroom culture that is responsive to diverse learners, using culturally responsive instructional strategies, and supporting English language learners. While the CCS includes culturally responsive practices, it differs from the FEET in that it does not include a focus on critical consciousness.