This chapter puts into practice what has been described in theory thus far.

The following case studies are a result of having the right combination of management support, an ideal RCA team, and proper application of the PROACT RCA methodology. In this chapter, we demonstrate the successful application of the approach in the field.

As you read through the summaries of these actual case histories, you will notice that the Returns on Investment (ROIs) for eliminating these chronic events are expressed in the thousands of percent. Had we not had permission to publish these remarkable returns, would anyone have believed they were real?

Case studies include (1) Paper Mill: Chronic Thick Stock Pump Failures, ROI—3,500%; (2) Nickel Mine: Low MTBF of Cooler in Leaching Operation, ROI—2,500%; (3) Power Generation: Pulverizer Explosion; and (4) Power Generation: Forensic Analysis of 3MW Self-Excited Generators.