This chapter deals with the Lithuanian-Russian relations. The Kaliningrad area is a zone, the future development of which is of interest to many states of the Baltic Sea region, including Lithuania. The problem of the Kaliningrad region is not a Russian, German, Polish or a Lithuanian issue, it is a European issue. For Lithuania, these issues are particularly urgent because through its territory the main bulk of cargo is being transported to and from this region, including military transit. In evaluating Lithuania-Russian relations it is possible to state, with some reservations, that if compared with the other Baltic states, these relations are developing along quite positive lines. During deliberations in the Duma a question was raised concerning a speedier drafting of the decree "On the Special Economic Zone in the Kaliningrad Region" and signing a treaty between Moscow and the Kaliningrad region on delegating authority on a mutual basis. Demilitarisation, economic prosperity and political stability are interconnected processes.