The Charter expressly states that any interpretation of Charter laws must be consistent with the multicultural nature of Canada. Specifically, section 27 states: This Charter shall be interpreted in a manner consistent with the preservation and enhancement of the multicultural heritage of Canadians. Concomitant to the 1982 enactment of the Charter, on 12 July 1988, the House of Commons passed an Act for “the preservation and enhancement of multiculturalism in Canada”. In essence, Bill C-93 specifies, as public policy, measures to be taken to ensure a multicultural state, whilst the Charter galvanizes the principles into constitutional law. The Charter has been an important force in preserving and promoting multiculturalism and expanding the rights of students from minority backgrounds. Most aboriginal peoples would say that the Charter has done very little regarding change in the area of education. Generally speaking, the Charter has done very little to improve the conditions of education for Aboriginal Peoples.