Land law was completely reformed in Finland in 1995. The new Code regulates the conveyancing of real estate, the positions of the parties and their relationships to third parties, registration of acquisitions of ownership and agreement-based encumbrances of estates and the mortgage system. The most important reform concerning the register is, in accordance with the models of Germany and other Nordic Countries, the public trustworthiness (publica fides) of the Title and Mortgage Register and its electronic implementation. One distinctively Finnish feature of the system is what is known as "corroboration of sales." In Finland, the establishment of a new separate register does not seem reasonable. Rather, the aim should be to enter the creditors' security attached directly to the ownership information in the electronic Title and Mortgage Register. In Sweden, after the transfer of a secured claim and on the ground of the registered transferor's application, the transferee can be recorded as a new secured creditor.