You might remember having a “secret word” when you played a childhood game. The “secret word” allowed entrance by those who knew it. Conversely, it prevented those who didn’t know it from entering. The “secret word” seemed to have magic powers.

In Chapter 8, we leave behind “secret words” and pick up “passwords.” The term has changed; the concept remains the same. What about love? Is there a “secret word” or “password” that one should know before entering? Chapter 8 makes no secret about the necessary ingredient for love in long-term romantic relationships. It’s commitment!

For relationships, commitment is a form of protection, just like passwords safeguard our most valuable information. Commitment is what gives relationships staying power. Definitionally, commitment is an intention to maintain the relationship long-term because the relationship is valuable.

Despite the protection commitment offers for love and romantic relationships, it does not always prevent individuals or couples from falling out of romantic love (FORL). For more information on commitment, Chapter 8 invites you to enter – no password required.