This chapter begins with an overview of research findings drawn from a number of key ethnographic accounts of gendered transitions from school to work. The post-school destinations of Technical and Vocational Education Initiative (TVEI) leavers were clearly seen, therefore, as one of the key outcome indicators of the success or otherwise of TVEI’s equal opportunities policy. The chapter focuses on secondary analysis of 1989 Careers Service destinations data for all leavers, both TVEI and non-TVEI, from the five pilot schools – a total of 866 leavers. It provides an overview of the feminist riposte to Willis’ work and highlights the experiences firstly of young women moving into traditional areas of employment, particularly into office and clerical work, and secondly of young women moving into non-traditional areas of employment. H. S. Mirza notes that young black women are more likely to opt for non-traditional occupational areas than young white women.