Scottsdale, Arizona Richard & Bauer Suburban libraries in outlying neighborhoods and communities are, in most cases, branches of larger municipal, regional, or county library systems. They also include small municipal libraries in communities and towns, independent of a larger system, but similar in terms of building program and site context. Inside, suburban neighborhood libraries incorporate many of the same features as urban ones, with openness and transparency for access and visibility; attractively displayed collections and a greater variety of library materials; and a more diverse range of places for new kinds of library activities. Architecturally, suburban neighborhood and community libraries are often more responsive to features and characteristics of the surrounding landscape and natural environment than to the built context, which, in many cases, is undifferentiated and undistinguished. Clayton County Library in Jonesboro, Georgia, is a neighborhood branch and administrative headquarters of the Clayton County Library System, serving suburban communities in the metropolitan area south of Atlanta.