Food nanotechnology focuses on the fabrication of structures at the nanometer scale with unique properties that can be used for various food applications, such as delivery systems, improved food contact surfaces with unique surface properties, food characterization tools, microfluidic devices, sensors, nanocomposite films among many others. Nanotechnology can improve food quality, healthfulness, shelf-life, and on-line monitoring of food products. A large and diverse number of sensors based on nanotechnology have been reported in the literature to monitor different contaminants, microorganisms, and toxic components. From a food perspective, nanodelivery systems are divided into two main categories: liquid nanodelivery systems, which include nanoemulsions and nanoliposomes, and solid nanodelivery systems including solid lipid nanoparticles, nanocrystals, and polymeric nanoparticles. Biocompatible nanotubes have several advantages when compared to other nanostructures including different interior and exterior surface properties, two open ends, high loading capacity, and good stability.