In early adolescence, our bodies and their changes shunt us on inexorably from childhood out towards the adult world, and there we face a new, alarming reality. It may be exciting–but there are unknown terrors too, in this newly sexual world, much as the explorers faced in discovering rivers, jungles and mountains of the New World. The young adolescent’s body might be changing, they might have sexual feelings and fantasies, they might be developing in alarming and disturbing ways–but for the time being they could turn away to other less threatening activities, including learning. An early adolescent can feel that there is a premature pressure to be grown-up, sexual and cool, and will then miss out on the protected space allowing for them to move back and forwards between childhood and early adulthood: time to explore sexuality at their own unforced pace. Early adolescents try out adult sexuality, trying on provocative clothes, make-up and gestures.