Serotonin syndrome occurs due to excessive serotonin levels in the circulatory system. Extremely severe reactions can lead to convulsions, coma, and even death. Serotonin syndrome commonly occurs when selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors or a serotonergic tricyclic antidepressants interacts with a monoaxmine oxidase inhibitor, meperidine, or any of several kinds of decongestants. Sexual dysfunction due to antidepressants includes decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, inhibited orgasm, inhibited ejaculation, and diminution of pleasurable body sensation in response to intimate touch. Moderate anorexia as a side effect may be an advantage in patients who present with hyperphagia, which can be one of the symptoms of depression, especially that of atypical depression. Any antidepressant in therapeutic doses has the potential to precipitate mania, primarily in patients who are predisposed to it by virtue of having an undiagnosed bipolar disorder, which in most cases presents with an episode of depression.