Child abuse, by which is understood all conduct by an adult that by his/her action or omission interferes negatively with the physical, mental or sexual development of children, has been studied as an integral social problem in Chile since the end of the 1980s. From then on, there has been a reappraisal of the fact that violence exercised against a minor constitutes a serious problem; given its complexity, it requires careful analysis. According to the law for children, jurisdiction is conferred on professionally qualified children's judges to 'resolve questions about the future life of the child when he or she is in physical or moral danger'. The same law (Article 15) orders the welfare department for children, among its functions, to 'take into their care children in unsuitable conditions who need assistance or protection'. The offences of which children may be victims can be classified according to the following groups: bodily or fatal injuries, abandonment, sexual abuse.