This chapter attempts to reframe schole by considering the domain of art. It looks at art to get to a better understanding of the present-day condition and to reflect further on the construction of our access to the world and to education in particular. The chapter focuses on the intrinsic relation between art and technology, starting from a seminal text by Martin Heidegger. It introduces the reflections of the philosophers Jean-Luc Nancy and Peter-Paul Verbeek, that have been developed in the wake of Heidegger. Nancy and Verbeek have in common that they give up the divide between physis and techne. Nancy acknowledges that art is a ‘productive technique’, a method for bringing something to the fore and into existence. In Nancy’s view, art is metaphysically enlightening: it demonstrates and exhibits our technological condition. Verbeek claims that since everything is technologically mediated, the work of engineer-designers is inherently moral.