In this chapter, the authors offer results from eight countries: Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Japan, Russia, South Africa, and South Korea. They provide countries widely distributed on a scale from liberal democracies with freedom of speech to authoritarian one-party regimes. The authors also provide four of the five Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa countries. The relevant countries have markedly different levels of GDP and welfare. With respect to sweet-free cashier zones, for example, Australia, China, and South Africa look a lot like Italy, France, and the United Kingdom. With respect to meat-free days, Italy and France are quite similar to Brazil, China, and South Africa. The authors also provide information on socio-demographic variables and political attitudes. Comparability of socio-demographic variables among the eight countries was given for gender, age, city size, relationship status, and number of children. Approval rates were calculated per nudge and per country.