The chapter begins with methods to remember how manipulation feels physically. That’s the first step in learning to trust the conscience and defuse media manipulation by outside sources. Manipulation violates the conscience because those who would deceive us consciously devise a strategy against journalists and practitioners and later feel no remorse when careers are ruined and audience or clientele is duped. You’ll also learn more about fake news as a font of media manipulation. The chapter includes a section about the history of hoaxes across media platforms. Journalists and practitioners also manipulate audiences and clientele; while examples are cited here, including publicity stunts, these differ from hoaxes created by people not associated with any media outlet whose intent is to shape programming or content. The chapter includes categories of hoaxes—Activist, Impersonator, Personal, Political, Sensational and Stunt—with methods to expose them. Ending personal and communal exercises focus on your biases, fears, desires and convictions that may make you become victim of a hoax.