In addition to the core statements discussed in the earlier chapters, we need to include some ancillary statements in our programs. Documentation statements help in the understanding of the programs initially by the quality assurance people and by the software maintenance people later. Starting and ending statements help demarcate the beginning and ending of the program to help computer while executing the program. Declaration statements help us in declaring the variables used inside the program and to compute the amount of RAM needed by the program. System calls allow us to utilize the facilities available in the operating system without leaving the program. Inter-program communication helps us to communicate with other programs during execution. Interrupt handling statements help us to decipher and handle various interrupts that are placed on the CPU by various I/O devices. Device handling statements help us to handle the peripheral devices connected to the computer. Application program interface (API) programming is increasing and will soon be a very important aspect of computer programming. All these are discussed in significant detail in this chapter.