The unavoidable starting point of the investigation is a good geological/hydrogeological map and detailed tectonic structural analysis. The key diagnostic tools in karst hydrogeology are piezometers, rainfall recorders, spring discharge recorders and tracer tests. Speleological investigations and investigation adits are the only methods which allow direct observation and detailed investigation of karst cavities. However, no investigation methods from the surface have been developed yet to confidently detect the spatial locations of karst cavities and turbulent water flow underground, especially when the karst is at considerable depth.

Methods used for other geological formations have been adapted for use in karst: geoelectrical and seismic methods, downhole TV cameras (video-endoscopy), gravimetry, radioactive tracers, geothermal methods, radar techniques, LiDAR topography, echo-sounding and WLF. An important feature has been the development of completely new methods and equipment generally unknown in investigations of non-karst terrain (geo-bombs, smoke, air and other different kinds of tracers).