Volzhsky Polytechnical Institute (branch) Volgograd State Technical University, 42a Engelsa Street, Volzhsky, 404121, Russia, www.volpi.ru; E-mail: nov@volpi.ru

11.1 Introduction ................................................................................ 166 11.2 Experimental Results and Discussion ........................................ 166 11.3 Conclusion ................................................................................. 168 Keywords .............................................................................................. 170 References ............................................................................................. 170


Development of modern industry requires an increase in the temperature limit of exploitation of elastomer materials that is achieved by using new components that provide the flowing of physical and chemical transformations enhancing their operational stability. In this paper, a possibility of using metal oxides with variable valence to create elastomer compositions has been shown. Impact of the oxides on flame and heat resistance of rubbers based on general-purpose raw rubbers has been considered.