From 1971 C. Bingham and M. Elwell, coorganizers of the Combined Science Project, surveyed science provision in the new middle schools. They found that some had already begun to introduce material from the Nuffield Combined Science scheme for their younger pupils in preference to alternatives such as Science 5-13. Middle school teachers are likely to disagree, pointing first to the informative teachers' notes and second to the quality of science the Themes contain. It is teachers in middle schools, especially of the 9- and 10-year-olds, who are likely to be the main beneficiaries of the Themes. However, it is the expense of each Theme through providing work cards of improved durability that is more contentious. The Themes are also intended to broaden the range of alternatives for teaching mixed ability groups and for independent learning. Addition of material to the existing stock is the Combined Science Project's insurance policy for the early eighties based on prediction of current trends.