Sexual problems affect men and women approximately equally, the latter mainly through psychological inhibition. Low libido may be primary – the man has never been interested or even curious, and frankly is not worried; or it may be secondary, and he is very concerned. Serious illness, diabetes, alcohol in any but minimal dosage, and various drugs: major tranquillizers, barbiturates and spironolactone, may all reduce libido. Sexual deviations amount to a group of sexual behaviours seen as abnormal, harmful or morally wrong according to western culture and current fashion. Homosexuality, or orientation towards the same sex, is in a special class. It affects men and women, but lesbianism is less obvious and poses no physical or health threat to anyone. Paedophilia has always been a minority interest. In 1985 it achieved notoriety in Britain with a huge cluster of cases of child sexual abuse in Cleveland. These were uncovered and exaggerated by over-enthusiastic diagnosis, but were nevertheless a worrying number.