This chapter traces the “inevitably” of maternal sensuality/sexuality upon the basis of the Freudian, and other literature. It examines the repression of sexuality, and female sexuality in particular, from historical medical approaches, to the practice of the surgical desexualisation of females. The sexual inhibitions and proscriptions upon the female exist, to ensure the sexual primacy of the male, and the relative passivity of the female. Empirical research was presented and analysed which established an incidence of “perverse motherhood” or “sexual matemalism”. Penultimately models of matemalism, and their inferred consequences were outlined, ranging from “moral matemalism”, to sexual, or “sexualised matemalism”. In contemporary society feminine sexuality tends either to undergo repression, or to become expressed perversely, typically in perverse motherhood. As L. Kaplan correctly observed, the implications of the sexual liberation of women are revolutionary, and will be resisted, perhaps most of all by women.