The Mozambican agriculture has considerable agricultural potential, since it is a country with vast reserves of land suitable for cultivation. This chapter aims to quantify the socioeconomic impacts of a sustainable sugarcane bioethanol production in Mozambique, including all direct, indirect and induced effects along the production chain – depending on the socioeconomic variable, the indirect and induced effects can be the most important one. In order to investigate the socioeconomic impacts, it addresses the use of the national Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) for Mozambique published by Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP) considering the data of 2011, built using the supply-use tables from national accounts, government budgets and balance of payments for separated 57 activities and commodities to obtain the input-output (I-O) matrix. The chapter follows the I-O approach as the methodology for the socioeconomic impacts evaluation, which presents the description and the relationship among all productive activities of a country or a region – in this case, Mozambique.