This introduction presents an overview of the key concepts discussed in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book presents stories of low-carbon transitions as a means to illustrate associated risks and uncertainties. It illustrates the diverse set of risks and uncertainties—both quantifiable and non-quantifiable—associated with low-carbon transition pathways. The book describes three large-scale industrial pathways and their associated risks and uncertainties. It discusses the risks and uncertainties of transitioning to a solar-based electricity system for Chile, considering particularly its potential effect on energy poverty. The book examines the transdisciplinary dialogue on low-carbon transitions, particularly for energy. It offers narratives on some decarbonisation pathways in order to illustrate the associated risks and uncertainties. The book aims to encourage the uptake of this format of knowledge sharing, which ideally enables mutual understanding and learning and ultimately helps us make more salient, credible, legitimate, and sustainable decisions.