The Malay is a brown man, rather short of stature, thickset and strong, capable of great endurance. His features, as a rule, are open and pleasant: he smiles on the man who greets him as an equal. His hair is black, abundant, and straight. In 1874 practically all Malays went about bare-foot, for shoes were useless in a roadless country. They display a pretty taste in brown, or black, or patent leather, while the humble wear white canvas shoes, or a native pattern of sandal. According to Malay history, at least two Malay Sultans married Chinese princesses. In some of the States of the Peninsula and of Sumatra both black and white are royal colours. The Malay child wears no clothes and does as it pleases. When the parents are well-to-do there are always several people running about to attend to the child's wishes. The leading characteristic of the Malay of every class is a disinclination to work.