This chapter talks about circular democracy on to the global stage and embracing internationalist solutions to the Anthropocene crisis. Initiatives which take internationalist utopianism at its word may seem impractical and counterintuitive, when judged by the battlefield logic of world plan. Nations that were non-combatants in the Second World War, like China, North Korea and Saudi Arabia, boast some of the largest, most lethal military forces in the world. In addition to the global stock of 15,000 nuclear warheads, many nations own biological and chemical weapons and cyber-warfare programmes so secret that even the governments which possess them may not be fully aware of them. Utopians have always dreamed of a world government. As psychoanalyst, peace worker and practical utopian Dieter Duhm emphasizes, creating trust requires a change of consciousness. For peace, he says, ‘the way is from inside out’: for too long people have been fighting for peace ‘while filled with war’.