A short distance below the Lhasa ferry, the central valley of the Tsangpo becomes more and more wooded with every mile it descends. The return from Gyantse over the bleak uplands was without incident as far as the Tang Pass, through the main chain of the Himalayas, a blinding blizzard suddenly swept down upon people, making it a painful struggle for everyone to reach Phari before nightfall. Several of people received from the Nepalese Consul and the monasteries trifling presents of trays of sweets and other things, made up in Chinese bulky fashion to augment their apparent value, but expressive of the friendly feeling which had arisen during stay at the Hermit City. The terra incognita has never yet been penetrated even by the Tibetans, and the lower part only by one of the Survey spies who was sent to throw into the river marked logs of wood to prove the continuity of the Tsangpo with the Assam river.