The role and influence of fashion has been the subject of research over many years. Early studies of fashion concentrated largely upon the area of costume adornment, although A. L. Kroeber contended that his analysis of fashion was also applicable to areas such as Renaissance art, Greek philosophy and Romantic literature. There are two aspects of the fashion process - the reasons why there is a demand for fashionable management ideas; and the manner in which management fashions are developed and disseminated. The concentration upon sociopsychological causes of the fashion process has its roots in the study of costume adornment. The discussion of the demand for management fashions suggested that there are two possible causes of management fashions - techno-economic and socio-psychological. In early studies of the fashion process, the supply of fashions was often associated with so-called ‘opinion leaders’. These opinion leaders are regarded as being responsible for the development and dissemination of fashionable ideas.