This chapter covers some of the common issues, outside the actual addiction, that you may need to assess when you know that one or more family members is dealing with some type of substance abuse. The chapter starts with perhaps the most common of these issues, that of domestic violence. While many families where alcohol is not involved have some type of domestic violence, it tends to be more prevalent the more severe the substance abuse. We then move to a more severe form of violence, that of child sexual abuse. The chapter then shifts to a potential issue when the pregnant mother drinks alcohol, leading to the possibility of fetal alcohol syndrome disorder. In many ways this can be considered a form of child abuse. Next, we cover the prevalence of the association between substance abuse and criminal behavior. The chapter then provides a widening of the assessment lens by exploring the phenomenon of people tending to not only have a substance abuse disorder but also having a mental health disorder—what is called dual diagnosis. We then end the chapter by focusing on how we can view how ready individuals and families are for change, as well as ways of enhancing motivation.