This chapter discusses the new private sector which followed in the wake of the economic reforms, mainly after the adoption of legislation which defined property rights and permitted private enterprise. In the category private property almost the same distribution can be observed, that is, 80% Estonians and 19% non-Estonians. In private enterprises, which mainly consist of joint stock companies, a large and uniform over-representation of Estonians at all levels of capital and turnover can be ascertained. Non-Estonian names are then marked out accordingly as one ‘turns over the pages’ of the pictures on the screen. Part of the explanation for why Estonians obtained a comparatively ‘modest’ share of managers in enterprises with mixed ownership is that the category includes, for instance, joint ventures which were initially established jointly between Estonians and foreigners. In general there was a considerable Estonian over-representation in all the other branches, albeit to a varying degree.