This chapter introduces new definitional approaches such as talking about research-minded practitioners. The professionals, use their interpretative resources about social work profession in general, knowledge about the institutional constraints of their work, knowledge about the structure of the clientele, and so on. From the social worker’s point of view, suitability assessment is a rather new practice in Probation and Aftercare Organization. The main bulk of the ethnographic data consists of conversations and analytical sessions with the workers of Probation and Aftercare Association. The chapter focuses on are carried out by social ea had been tested out ind they form part of suitability assessment for community service. Community service is an alternative to custodial sentence, consisting of regular unpaid work. When negotiating suitability, some aspects of the client’s mundane life are construed as topics for discussion. The staff explained that commitment to community service actually means disengaging from such commitments that can endanger one’s community service.