I now turn to analyse the multi-level architecture of sanitation governance in Nigeria, an emerging economy. The case study investigates the normative framework for sanitation governance and its implementation to understand: How does the human right to sanitation (HRS) influence the normative framework for sanitation governance towards inclusive development (ID) outcomes across different levels of governance in Nigeria? The chapter starts with contextualising the sanitation problem in Nigeria (see 8.2), the legal basis for the HRS including the other principles for sanitation governance (see 8.3), and the HRS and non- HRS instruments used for operationalizing sanitation governance principles (see 8.5.2). section 8.6 analyses how the sanitation governance framework in Nigeria addresses the drivers of poor domestic sanitation services (see 8.6.1); the impact of the governance framework on ID (see 8.6.2); and the incoherence between sanitation governance framework in Nigeria and the international HRS (see 8.6.3). section 8.7 highlights the key recommendations for redesign. The methods which I used for my data collection and analysis have been previously discussed in section 2.3.