This chapter examines five research topics that invite further research on language teacher identity across multiple domains. These are: Postcoloniality and language teacher identity (LTI); Social Class and LTI; Race and LTI; LTI in a Digital World; and LTI Methodological Issues. The chapter considers the dentified range from postcolonialism, social class, and race to the digital revolution and the methodological turn in language teacher education. A robust LTI research agenda needs to be consistent with a rapidly expanding interest in the diverse ways LTI issues can be investigated both systematically and rigorously. Future LTI researchers might wish to explore how language-in-education policies in particular impact the professional identity development of language teachers. Debates on the legitimacy of the non-native speaking language teacher have much relevance for research on language teacher identity. In the field of English language education, for example, the identity of nonnative English speaking teachers is of central interest to debates on the ownership of English.