This chapter discusses a humble polygon cube and how to use deformers on it. The bend deformer and many of the other nonlinear deformers are location-specific to the deformer icon. This means it can move the deformer icon around to obtain different effects. For example, if the deformer is moved higher up the cube, the apex of the bend occurs higher. Like all of the nonlinear deformers, the wave deformer depends on where it is placed as to how it works. The bend deformer has numbers in its transform attributes and is unable to be frozen. A cluster handle is a visual shortcut created to select components. Take simple polygon sphere that is named; has deleted history; and frozen transformations. The help documentation shows the squash deformer the same way use it and teach it. Lattices are great for deforming multiple objects that need to squash and deform as if one.