Select the Twist_CNTRL and open the Node Editor Window, click on the Input and output connections button to load the nodes. Select the geometry and then select under the modeling menu Mesh>Smooth. This adds a polysmooth node that smooths the geometry. Open the Node Editor window. Clear the graph, add the selected nodes and click on input output connections. Move the nodes around until we have the Head_CNTRL and the polysmoothface1 nodes visible. If one can't see the attribute they just added in the Node Editor, select the Head_CNTRL node and hit 3 on the keyboard. Select the Move_CNTRL and adjust the LowHigh attribute to make sure it drives the divisions. One should see the geometry change resolution as they change the LowHigh attribute. Parent constraints are seen via the Node Editor window, or in the outliner as a node with a different icon.