Oticon is one of the five world-largest manufacturers of hearing aids. Through Metamorphosis, that is, a frame-breaking, Oticon made a complete breakaway from its conventional practices. In fact, Oticon was No. 1 in the industry in 1979, and a market leader ever since. As a result, Oticon’s market share decreased abruptly and suffered its first financial loss in 1986. Along with the dramatic several types of organizational changes explained, in that context, two distinctive change strategies were adopted at Oticon. In preparing strategies at Oticon, all the premises concerning the firm were put in question and all the traditional ways of business were rethought over and again. Thus, Oticon’s vision is very much holistic in nature including self-reliance, egalitarianism and an individual’s dignity as an integral part of it which certainly represent Oticon’s corporate culture. At Oticon, the focus was not on business processes, but on the enhancement of motivation among individual employees.