In his “Alaungpra Dynasty,” Gray says :—“Of all the descendants of Alaungpra, Mindan Min alone shone out with those qualities which befit the ruler of a large kingdom.” In 1854, Mindan Min sent an embassy to Calcutta to negotiate for the restoration of Pegu. The Mekkhara prince explained to his father what had occurred, and Mindan realised their danger. Supayagyi, as the elder sister, moved into the apartments which had been occupied by Mindan’s chief queen. Supayagyi fell sick, and her favourite nurse, Ma Pwa, lighted some candles as an offering to the spirits for the Queen’s recovery. Supayalat promptly told the King that Supayagyi and her nurse were working spells for his overthrow. Supayagyi meanwhile worked herself into such a state of misery over the sentence of death on Ma Pwa that the Alenandaw Queen again bearded Thibaw and got the death sentence remitted.