The Arakanese governor of Syriam had no authority over the Portuguese there, who were guaranteed the enjoyment of their own laws. It was a fatuous arrangement, and Philip De Brito was not slow to see his chances and to avail himself of them. De Brito had the sense and good feeling to treat with respect this Prince, Min Khamaung, the one who had originally taken Syriam; but he demanded fifty thousand crowns for his release. Salvador Ribeyro next care was to conciliate the Talaings, and, so successfully did he do this that when de Brito returned, with the title of captain-general, and with the Viceroy’s niece as his bride, the Talaings were ready to accept him as King of Pegu. De Brito had the sense and good feeling to treat with respect the Prince, Min Khamaung, the one who had originally taken Syriam; but he demanded fifty thousand crowns for his release.