With differentiation among men there begins not only a new epoch in economic history, but also in the history of the whole process of culture; a new world comes into existence, the civilized world which at this point severs itself from that of nature folk. The process of differentiation does not end with the second epoch, the organization of professions among men. There follows a third epoch, the differentiation of women, which began in the recent times—the Woman’s movement, which can only in the light of Phaseology be clearly understood in all its historical coherence and in its true significance. The whole of female labour remains homogeneous, that is all women with diminishing exceptions still carry on undifferentiated activities which men designate “Domestic labour.” In the mid capitalistic phase, with the age of machinery the differentiation of women entered upon a new stage. There is no doubt that the modern woman’s movement differs essentially from that of the Middle Ages.