In the beginning of A. D. 1734, Tseh Ning, having come with a large force to try issues with General Ngoh, and having been defeated, sent messengers proposing peace with China. Amongst the most important acts that were passed by Yung Ching were the appointing his fourth son to be his successor and the issuing of an edict depriving the Roman Catholic priests of the liberty of living in the interior of China. The year A. D. 1727 is distinguished as the one in which Magaillans, the envoy of the King of Portugal, arrived in Peking for the purpose of gaining special facilities for his subjects in their trade with China. K'icn Lung's first action in regard to the insurrection amongst the aborigines in the south-west of China showed the character of the man. The year A. D. 1766 saw the Chinese engaged in a war with Burmah.