The evidence offered in favour of the discovery of America by the Chinese Buddhists of the fifth century is very limited, but it has every characteristic of a serious State document, and of authentic history. Fifteen miles only from it is Copper Island, and about 150 miles southwest of it is Attou Island, the most westerly of the Aleutian group, which is an almost unbroken chain, connecting with the American Continent at the peninsula of Aliaska. Many islands lie off one point, which, being lost sight of at a distance of twenty or more miles will materially diminish the time for being in the open sea. The Kurile Islands, stretching between the island of Matsumai, and Cape Lapatka, the southern extremity of Kamtschatka, are in sight from each other, excepting possibly in the 'Boussole Passage,' which is forty or more miles in width.