This chapter discusses two major aims: it tries to elucidate this dependence on Kant’s opus magnum, which is due to the close relationship between the problem of the differend and the questions discussed by Kant particularly in the ‘transcendental dialectic’ of the first Critique’. It seeks to identify the point in which Lyotard deviates from the Kantian arrangement of these problems. Lyotard could try to resolve this problem by reference, for instance, to the Kantian distinction between laws or rules being ‘universally’ valid and others being valid just ‘in general’. The philosophical discussion is largely dominated by the question of whether it is possible to make the validity of universal, non-contextual, and non-relative standards of rationality as well as moral and social commitments intelligible or not. In the solution to the antinomies of pure reason, Kant writes that the question of the series resumes in itself all the conflicts that are raised by cosmological Ideas.