This chapter sums up the major findings of this study and briefly outlines issues for future research. This chapter is structured around the key theoretical and empirical findings of the research, as a way to signpost the key insights emerging from this research. It begins by outlining the benefits of using a hybrid theoretical framework drawing upon Fraser’s and Bourdieu’s scholarship along with the insights of Skeggs and Adkins around reflexivity. The next section maps out the empirical issues around the process of authorisation of a pathological subjectivity to Muslim girls with reference to policies and teachers’ narratives. Then it highlights the processes through which parents and Muslim girls seek cultural authorisation as legitimate actors in the field of education. And finally it discusses the reflexive capacity of the Muslim girls in the study by highlighting the interplay between the available subjective positions and the ways in which they are resisted and conformed. This chapter winds up by discussing some of the limitations of the study and by outlining possible future research agenda(s).