Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) have demonstrated that unrefined sunflower oil can be fortified on a small scale and reach the most vulnerable people, particularly lactating mothers and children. SMEs, rather than large-scale producers, were targeted to participate in the project for a number of reasons. The project team worked with SMEs to develop the technical expertise needed to produce vitamin A-fortified, unrefined sunflower oil for distribution to retailers. The adoption of vitamin A fortified oil in the project’s target regions is a major achievement and shows potential for scaling on a national level. Individuals living in developing countries often fail to achieve adequate vitamin A levels through their food intake. Levels of vitamin A in children can also be reduced by chronic diarrhea and other common childhood illnesses. By setting the stage for the commercialisation of vitamin A enriched sunflower oil, the project’s ultimate goal was to address vitamin A deficiency across Tanzania.