Books on resilience always have a list of the factors that the authors believe constitute resilience. This chapter presents a non-definitive list of attributes. This list of attributes is not intended to capture the essence of resilience because this essence remains ultimately elusive, but one can decide which ones he/she would like to acquire or develop further in order to increase his/her reserves of resilience. Acceptance means an unqualified and non-judgemental attitude to oneself as well as an acknowledgement that what exists is bound to exist given the conditions that are present at any particular moment. As with self-acceptance, acceptance of what is happening at any given moment does not imply passivity or resignation but an acknowledgement of what needs to be faced; in tough guy terms: a cool, hard, unblinking look at reality. Self-belief is inextricably linked with self-control: self-belief without self-control means one's dreams are not translated into achievable reality.