This chapter discusses career and experiences of world-renowned forensic scientist, Dr. Douglas Lucas. The Civil War in the US and the Fenian Raids caused many Canadians to appreciate that, as a collection of separate provinces, there was a real risk of annexation by the US McGee therefore became one of the first to speak out in favor of a confederation of the Canadian provinces. He made a tour of the Maritime Provinces in 1863, which led directly to the Charlottetown Conference in 1864, at which the decision to federate Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick was made. As a result, at the request of these Canadian provinces, the British North America Act was passed by the British Parliament, and on July 1, 1867, Canada became a nation with its capital in Ottawa. As one of the "Fathers of Confederation," McGee was elected to the new Parliament of Canada and became one of its leading and most respected members.