This chapter discusses career and experiences of world-renowned forensic scientist, Dr. Douglas Lucas. In 2013, he decided it was time to cease accepting consultancies as he was getting further and further away from feeling competent to deal with some of the issues he was being asked to examine. Douglas did, however, continue to accept invitations to participate in panel discussions or to present lectures on something he was familiar with, the history and development of the forensic sciences! During this period, he became increasingly frustrated by the constant references in the media to the science that most forensic scientists practice as "junk science." He decided to make this the subject of his "swan song" presentation, which was at the Twenty-First Triennial Meeting of the International Association of Forensic Sciences meeting in Toronto in August, 2017. In most of the media articles referred to, it is not junk science that is the concern of the writers; it is "junk testimony."